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By installing fonts sent to you byACTIVE IMAGES, you accept this license agreement. Preparation and assembly are required.Active Images Font License AgreementPlease read this license agreement carefully before youinstall your fonts. The layout is far more extensive than its dimensions would allow as its layout shifts continuously like a living being. Anyone able to breach these arcane defenses must confront the building's confusing structure. Its distinctive circular skylight is, in fact, a massive Seal of Vishanti, protecting against supernatural invasion. Powerful spells, drawing on the inherent magic of its location, ward it against mundane assault. It stands on a focal point for ley lines, the veins of magical energy that run through the Earth, and its location was once a site for pagan and shamanistic rituals.ĭoctor Strange has taken great pains to safeguard the Sanctum Sanctorum and the ancient relics contained within. The New York residence of Doctor Stephen Strange, the Sanctum has long been a place of mystical power. Contained within the walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum is the most extraordinary collection of occult objects and supernatural phenomena in existence.