To achieve static linking requires that the archive (.a) versions of your libraries exist on the system, if this gives you any problem, you can try to compile the executables using dynamic libraries with the following command instead of the above: If you want to compile the executable again or for another OS just run this command in the directory: Pre-compiled executables for Windows (x32 and 圆4 versions) are provided, compiled using MinGW and MinGW-w64. The program has some additional configuration parameters that normally do not need to be specified. On Windows this can be easily achieved by dragging the ROM into the executable (only one file, not multiple). The easiest way to use the program is to pass the ROM from which to extract the data as the only parameter. In the res_originalroms folder the information already extracted from the original SoE ROMs is included: Currently, the program extracts information from the following data: The program is open source with a GPLv3 license and has highly portable source code that is publicly available in its GitHub repository. Works with both Headered and Unheadered ROMs.

Secret of Evermore Rom Info ( soerominfo) is a program that allows you to extract information in CSV format from the SNES Secret of Evermore game ROMs.