$ flatpak run -filesystem=~/.local/share/fonts -filesystem=~/.config/fontconfig If you are having problem getting Asian fonts to show in game, it is because does not include it. This package currently does not exist but game-devices-udev AUR can be installed instead, see Gamepad#Device permissions. Launching Steam with Flatpak might warn you about installing the steam-devices package. $ flatpak override -user -filesystem=/path/to/directory If you want to add an external library, run the following command to add it: However, you can freely add directories outside the home directory. Steam installed via Flatpak is not able to access your home directory and overriding this will cause Steam to not run because it is not safe. Also you currently cannot run games via optirun/ primusrun, see Issue#869 for more details. The Flatpak application currently does not support themes. $ flatpak -user remote-add -if-not-exists flathub

The easiest way to install it for the current user is by using the Flathub repository: Steam can also be installed with Flatpak as from Flathub. Note: Installing Steam from Flathub/Flatpak will fix many of the issues faced on the client but will require alternative, less documented forms of troubleshooting on the long run. Install steamcmd AUR for the command-line version of Steam.

If using systemd-resolved for DNS, follow the steps to fix /etc/nf in order for Steam to be able to resolve hostnames.If using systemd-networkd for network management, install lib32-systemd in order for Steam to be able to connect to its servers.If using Asian languages, install wqy-zenhei.Apply the workaround at Steam/Troubleshooting#Text is corrupt or missing to use a different font face.Use a free alternative such as ttf-liberation.Follow Microsoft fonts to install the original fonts.Since the GUI heavily uses the Arial font, you should either:.